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Important Notice

To combat SMS fraud, all text messages from Towngas will now be sent with the Sender IDs “#Towngas”, “#TowngasFun” or “#TGCTowngas”, helping customers verify the authenticity of our communications.
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Towngas urges customers to stay vigilant when receiving suspicious emails, text messages, or bills. Never open suspicious attachments or click on links, and avoid disclosing personal information such as ID card numbers, bank account details, or credit card numbers to unknown senders to prevent potential losses. For any enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at 2880 6988 or email us at
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Engaging with Society

Engaging with Society


Engaging with Society

Fulfil our responsibilities as a corporate citizen and create shared values for our customers and communities.

2023 Performance Highlights

  • 99.992% uninterrupted town gas supply rate
  • Established a gas supply chain business segment to ensure reliable gas supply
  • Commissioned the first inter-plant waste-to energy facility from the Tai Po Gas Production Plant to a neighbouring food factory
  • Rice Dumplings for the Community programme set a Guinness World RecordTM
  • >42,000 households benefited from the Towngas Concession Schemes totalling HK$24 million
  • Volunteered service hours: 14,487 (Hong Kong) ; >440,000 (Mainland Utility Businesses)
  • Service quality - efficiency 8.96*
Service quality - courteous and friendly attitude 8.94*
* Exceeded target (score of 8.5 out of 10)

Future Actions and Targets

  • Expand the implementation/application of SROI analysis for new projects
  • Develop and launch smart IoT productsto enhance home safety and user convenience