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Towngas recently received customer enquiries on suspicious gas bill. The alleged claim and embedded links have been found to be fraudulent. The matter has since been reported to the police. Please stay alert and do not click on any attachment or link contained in any email or message that appears suspicious. For enquiries, please call 2880 6988 or email towngas.cs@towngas.com
2023-11-28 13:00:00
UN Sustainable Development Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals

Our dedication to addressing the impacts of climate change and reducing carbon emissions in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland aligns with our support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We have identified four SDGs that are most relevant to our operations and value chain. We assessed any possible adverse impacts on our operations, including risks to people and the environment, and selected our products, services or investments that would contribute most to the SDGs. Meanwhile, the impacts and contributions of each SDG on our company across all stages of the value chain are reviewed on an annual basis.

How we are Contributing to SDGs


Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Potential Impacts

➕  Provide a safer and more reliable drinking water supply for our customers
➖  Production processes consume/generate significant amount of water/wastewater

Actions Taken/Achievements

  • 2.93 million customer accounts with drinking water up to national standard
  • Over 120,000 m3 of water conserved through reverse osmosis systems at Tai Po Gas Production Plant


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Potential Impacts

➕  Expand our gas supply coverage and promote coal/ diesel to gas conversion
➕  Develop a clean and smart energy business
➖  Fossil fuels as our primary raw materials of town gas production

Actions Taken/Achievements

  • 2.02 million town gas customer accounts (Hong Kong)
  • 40.19 million city-gas customer accounts (Chinese mainland)
  • Develop 124 zero-carbon smart industrial parks, with 1.8 GW PV capacity connected to the grid (Chinese mainland)
  • In Hong Kong, landfill gas takes up approximately 2% of town gas fuel mix
  • Hong Kong's first hydrogen fuel cell charging facility for electric vehicle at a padel court in Sai Kung


Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Potential Impacts

➕  Provide a safer and more reliable energy supply
➕  Encourage and promote recycling and reusing within our company's business
➖  Generate hazardous and non-hazardous waste during operations and along the value chain

Actions Taken/Achievements

  • Uninterrupted gas supply: 99.992% (Hong Kong)
  • No major incidents or chemical leakages at our chemical plants
  • Cumulatively processed approximately 1.46 million tonnes of organic waste
  • Collected >1,400 tonnes of metal recovered throught the Used Gas Appliance Recycling Programme


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Potential Impacts

➕  Encourage a low-carbon lifestyle along our value chain
➖  Our operations and businesses are exposed to physical and transition risks
➖  Generate GHG emissions that accelerate climate change

Actions Taken/Achievements

  • Committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 through energy transition and innovation, with a new medium-term carbon intensity reduction target of Hong Kong's gas business
  • Disclosed climate-related financial information to enhance alignment with the Recommendation of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
  • Compared with the 2005 baseline, carbon intensity of Hong Kong gas production decreased by 28%
  • Incorporated ESG Due Diligence and Internal Carbon Pricing in investment decision-making