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Important Notice

To combat SMS fraud, all text messages from Towngas will now be sent with the Sender IDs “#Towngas”, “#TowngasFun” or “#TGCTowngas”, helping customers verify the authenticity of our communications.
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Towngas urges customers to stay vigilant when receiving suspicious emails, text messages, or bills. Never open suspicious attachments or click on links, and avoid disclosing personal information such as ID card numbers, bank account details, or credit card numbers to unknown senders to prevent potential losses. For any enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at 2880 6988 or email us at towngas.cs@towngas.com.
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ESG Ratings

ESG Ratings


MSCI ESG Ratings: A
Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index 2023 ESG score: 65

CDP 2022 - Climate Change score: A
Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings
2023: Medium Risk


Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability
Index 2023-2024: AA+

Global Business Sustainability Index: Ranked First, Exemplar Level

Greater China Business Sustainability Index: Ranked First, Exemplar Level

Greater Bay Area Business Sustainability Index: Ranked First, Exemplar Level

Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index: Ranked First, Exemplar Level