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2023-11-28 13:00:00
Supply Chain Resilience

Supply Chain Resilience

We are committed to building long-term business relationships with partners and suppliers for our mutual benefit and prosperity. The Towngas Purchasing Policy ensures that our suppliers can participate in a fair, equitable and competitive market. Five key principles have been established as the foundation of responsible supply chain management at Towngas.

At Towngas, we have an ESG Working Sub-committee (Supply Chain Management) to manage and ensure effective implementation of the supplier ESG programme. This Sub-committee is chaired by the Head of Corporate Supplies and Administration who reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer who is also a member of the Board.

ESG-related training, including sustainable procurement, is provided to our procurement staff in order to build up their capabilities and knowledge in this area.

Supply Chain Assessment 

The Code of Practice for Suppliers sets out the CSR requirements every Towngas supplier must follow.

New Suppliers must acknowledge our Code of Practice for Suppliers and Sustainable Purchasing Policy (including health and safety and climate-related requirements) before they are added to Towngas’ approved suppliers list. An annual review is conducted to ensure suppliers on the approved list are performing at a satisfactory level.

When screening suppliers for procurement, we consider a wide range of criteria, including a company’s background, quality, price, delivery of service and ESG performance. Preference is given to companies holding related ISO certificates and other documents pertaining to quality, as well as better ESG performance. To ensure suppliers follow our procurement standards and ESG performance requirements, we request critical suppliers to conduct self-assessment surveys. The self-assessment survey is designed referencing the corporate social responsibility principles encompassed by the SA8000 Standard and the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct. We assess suppliers based on ESG factors including corporate governance, climate risk management, health and safety, human rights and business ethics. The self-assessment survey received is then reviewed, verified, and analysed by our procurement staff to assess supplier's ESG performance.

Apart from a self-assessment survey to understand how suppliers align with our Code of Practice for Suppliers, selected key suppliers are evaluated through site visits. Additionally, they are provided with improvement plans in the spirit of working together to identify opportunities for improving ESG performance.

At Towngas, we are committed to following 6S1 management principles for a safe and efficient workplace. We also promote 6S practices among our suppliers and support those who follow this methodology for improving efficiency, productivity and product quality, as well as reducing the risk of industrial accidents.

16S refers to the Japanese words Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke (which mean Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardise, Sustain) and Safety

Supply Chain Resilience 

Towngas conducted supply chain resilience assessment by combining desktop research results with our own supply chain management experiences to understand the potential risks. We identified key measures to improve our supply chain resilience and mitigate these risks, including:

  • Diversifying the supply chain through multi-sourcing
  • Advancing digital technologies to improve efficiencies
  • Achieving full supply chain visibility
  • Monitoring suppliers’ greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Sustainable Procurement 

Our Sustainable Purchasing Policy spells out the environmental considerations that should be taken into account in every purchasing decision, including the process of procuring services and evaluating product specifications.

We are one of the founding members of the Sustainable Procurement Charter launched by the Green Council, and our procurement decisions and processes are in compliance with the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement Guidance as verified by the British Standard Institution (BSI). Making reference to ISO 20400, we have adopted the Life-cycle Costing (LCC) methodology to ensure that the products and services we purchase achieve value for money, with the lowest negative environmental impact and most positive social results. The total costs of the goods and services we procure are estimated over their lifespan, rather than just their capital costs. We also take into consideration future costs such as energy use and maintenance costs.

Supplier Engagement We treat our suppliers as partners and regularly engage them in pursuit of our shared values for sustainable development. To that end, we maintain continuous dialogue with our suppliers on ESG topics and invite them to participate in forums, seminars and site visits so we can benchmark their performance and share best practices on ESG. We also provide supplier assessment result to suppliers annually for them to understand their ESG performance as compared to other suppliers, support on the implementation of improvement actions identified during the supplier assessment, and provide training to build capacity.