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Important Notice

To combat SMS fraud, all text messages from Towngas will now be sent with the Sender IDs “#Towngas”, “#TowngasFun” or “#TGCTowngas”, helping customers verify the authenticity of our communications.
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Towngas urges customers to stay vigilant when receiving suspicious emails, text messages, or bills. Never open suspicious attachments or click on links, and avoid disclosing personal information such as ID card numbers, bank account details, or credit card numbers to unknown senders to prevent potential losses. For any enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at 2880 6988 or email us at
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A Culture of Innovation

A Culture of Innovation

Innovation Platforms


Towngas Hall of Innovation

Towngas emphasises a culture of innovation within the Company. It allows full play to employees’ creativity to foster business growth and an innovative mindset. Located in the exhibition hall of Towngas North Point Headquarters, the Towngas Hall of Innovation opened in 2015 to showcase original concepts developed by colleagues. Each concept has enhanced the Company’s service and efficiency, covering all aspects of gas works.
Click to start the VR tour


Hall of Future Energy

Towngas has been researching and developing the use of hydrogen as a fuel for transportation and other applications. Visitors to the Hall of Future Energy can learn about the benefits of hydrogen as a fuel source and how it can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. 
Click to start the VR tour


G = I x I Lab

To encourage employees to put forward creative ideas and turn them into practical applications, the “G = i x i Lab” was established at North Point Headquarters in 2016, providing 3D printers and scanners to produce prototypes of conceptual proposals.


Dream Zone

In 2013, the Company set up the Dream Zone at North Point Headquarters to nurture an atmosphere of innovation within the Group. The colourful design of the Dream Zone helps create a collaborative, relaxed atmosphere conducive to creative thinking. The Zone provides information on and displays different innovation tools, whilst the sofa and television offer an ideal break-out space for brainstorming sessions and spontaneous discussion.

Social Media

Social media broaden employees’ horizons and inspire creativity. An internal social platform has proved to be very popular, whilst a company presence on WeChat and Facebook ensures employees have free access to innovative ideas to spur inspiration.

Follow us on social media:
facebook_button_png_by_ockre-d3gok5y.png Facebook: Towngas Innovation
facebook_button_png_by_ockre-d3gok5y.png Instagram: Towngas_Innovation
wechat-icon-01-copy.jpg WeChat: 港華燃氣創新天地

Innovation Funding


In a bid to further promote innovation within the Company, “Innovation Funding” was launched in 2016. The aim of the fund is to encourage employees to go beyond their “comfortable” boundaries and submit creative proposals for business expansion applicable to any part of the Company.
Employees can apply to the Innovation Funding in the name of an individual or a team. Content of the proposal can include, but is not limited to, “work within their respective departments”. Employees can also submit collaborations with university and/or private research institutions to develop new technologies. If the proposal is selected, the applicants receive “seed” money to get the project up and running.
The Company welcomes monthly“reports on progress”highlighting targets achieved - including completion of the “preliminary test” and “formal implementation” stages –prior set conditions of the funding. Each target phase reached is rewarded, by the Executive Committee, with a bonus according to content and progress of the project.


Innovation Achievements

Address:  20/F, 363 Java Road, North Point
Opening Hours:  Mon-Fri           8:30a.m.- 5:30p.m.
  Sat, Sun and Public Holiday  Closed

Innovation at a Glance

Q-Day-(2).pngSmiling colleagues participating in Superior Quality Service (SQS) activities

Colleagues enthusiastically taking part in Dream Zone activities - iCandy Corner

Dressing up as pilots at the Quality Festival

Celebrating SQS achievements under the pilot theme at the “Quality Festival 2022”

Participating in quality training workshops to inspire innovative thinking for continuous enhancement of services

An inspirational performance from one SQS team on “Quality Day”

Group photo of the SQS team on “Quality Day”

Sharing experiences with different overseas enterprises during the annual SQS study tour