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Important Notice

To combat SMS fraud, all text messages from Towngas will now be sent with the Sender IDs “#Towngas”, “#TowngasFun” or “#TGCTowngas”, helping customers verify the authenticity of our communications.
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Towngas urges customers to stay vigilant when receiving suspicious emails, text messages, or bills. Never open suspicious attachments or click on links, and avoid disclosing personal information such as ID card numbers, bank account details, or credit card numbers to unknown senders to prevent potential losses. For any enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at 2880 6988 or email us at
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Experienced Hires - Gas Business

Experienced Hires - Gas Business

Towngas Value Chain

Grid Control
Network (Gas Delivery & Pressure Reduction)
Grid Control Centre

The grid control centre, operated 24 x 7, monitors our supply network, enhancing the efficiency in dealing with emergency.

Network Development
Network Development

Plan and implement transmission and distribution pipe laying projects to extend the coverage of gas supply network; monitor the supply network quality proactively to ensure that gas is transported to our customers in a safe and reliable manner.

Gas Production
Gas Production Department

Utilise cost effective and environmentally-friendly feedstock and fuel, such as naphtha, natural gas, and landfill gas in production process at our plants in Tai Po and Ma Tau Kok.

Transmission Operation
Transmission Operation Department

Ensure the gas transmission network operates at a safe, reliable, efficient, economical and environmental friendly manner by proactive risk mitigation and adoption of new innovations .

Distribution Operation
Distribution Operation Department

Ensure gas distributed to customers at safe, reliable and adequate pressure by formulating and sustaining an effective operation and maintenance system for the distribution network, eliminating potential hazards through proactive trench inspection and application of advanced technology.

Commercial & Industrial
Commercial & Industrial Marketing & Sales Department (CIMSD)

Deliver a spectrum of tailor-made applications and quality products to suit various industries and trades for the best customer experience.

Through on-site inspection, strive to help businesses utilize town gas efficiently thereby enhancing efficiency and profitability, as well as supplying and installing various types of town gas-fired equipment for customers.

Projects Development
Project Marketing & Sales Department

Provide one-stop service on sales and installation of gas system, home appliances, and kitchen cabinets in residential projects to enhance company’s image and increase market share for sustainable business growth.

Customer Enquiries & Installation Services
Customer Enquiries & Installation Services Department (CEISD)

Provide high quality and considerate customer enquiry service, and safe and reliable installation service to our customers.

Regular Safety Inspection
Regular Safety Inspection

Carry out a safety inspection at regular intervals of 18 months on household gas installations, test external service risers and installation pipes by our registered and fully qualified gas technicians as preventive measures.

Customer Maintenance Services
Customer Maintenance Services Department

Provide caring, competent and efficient on-demand and preventive maintenance services to residential, commercial and industrial customers through a competent workforce.

Emergency Services
Emergency Services Section

Handle all gas emergency incidents to protect public safety. Responsibilities include receiving emergency reports, handling emergencies at site, investigating the root cause and recommending preventive measures.

Other Engineering Support
Residential Product & Quality
Residential Product & Quality Department

Enhance safety, product quality and service efficiency through new technologies application and quality management.

Commercial & Industrial Product & Installation
Commercial & Industrial Product & Installation Department

Develop and improve competitive products which are safe, of high quality, innovative and environmentally friendly in order to meet market needs and promote gas utilisation.

Towngas Engineering Academy
Towngas Engineering Academy

Develop a competent workforce that drives the Group to excel in safety operation, customer service and business growth, as well as being a major catalyst for change and continuous improvement.