We have an Environmental Policy that guides us in how we protect the environment, use resources, reduce emissions and waste, and mitigate our impacts on biodiversity. In addition to this policy, we have a Sustainable Purchasing Policy to encourage the use of environmentally friendly products and services at Towngas.
We also have a Corporate Environmental Manual for our frontline staff, which sets out the standards, procedures and guidelines they should be following. Two other documents published by the Company — our Green Office Practice Guide and Green Event Practical Guide — outline the best environmental practices in these two areas.
In each of the jurisdictions where we operate, we fully comply with all major regulatory requirements and benchmark our performance against the highest international standards and codes of practice. For the new projects we undertake, we begin with an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and to make it publicly available according to the local legal requirements.
Since 1999, our gas production facilities at Tai Po in Hong Kong have been certified to the ISO 14001 standard to reduce our environmental impacts and identify corrective actions that drive continuous improvement. We have also been helping our project companies in the Chinese mainland to achieve the same standard.