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Important Notice

Towngas recently received customer enquiries on suspicious gas bill. The alleged claim and embedded links have been found to be fraudulent. The matter has since been reported to the police. Please stay alert and do not click on any attachment or link contained in any email or message that appears suspicious. For enquiries, please call 2880 6988 or email towngas.cs@towngas.com
2023-11-28 13:00:00

Media Resources


15 Sep 2011

Let's Join "No Air-Con Night"

Towngas is once again sponsoring Green Sense’s “No Air-Con Night” this year. We are therefore calling on everyone in Hong Kong to turn their air conditioners off, from 7pm on 29 September to 7am the next morning, to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Each air conditioner emits 5.6kg of carbon dioxide for every eight hours of use. A tree needs three months to absorb this amount of carbon dioxide. If you respond to this “No Air-Con Night” campaign, you will reduce your carbon footprint and save energy and we will help to make the world a better place.

Media Enquiries

For media enquiries, please contact our Corporate Affairs Department.

Corporate Affairs Department

The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
21/F, 363 Java Road North Point, Hong Kong

WhatsApp: (852) 6702 6449
Email: cad@towngas.com