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Important Notice

Towngas recently received customer enquiries on suspicious gas bill. The alleged claim and embedded links have been found to be fraudulent. The matter has since been reported to the police. Please stay alert and do not click on any attachment or link contained in any email or message that appears suspicious. For enquiries, please call 2880 6988 or email
2023-11-28 13:00:00
Business Integrity

Business Integrity

We believe that good governance is the foundation of sustainability. Thus, we ensure robust risk management and ethical conduct in our operations. In addition to complying fully with local laws, we regulate our staff in an effort to facilitate sustainable business practices and create value for our stakeholders.


Business Ethics

Integrity is a core part of our brand image. We promote integrity, anti-corruption and quality management through activities designed to heighten awareness of the importance of ethical behaviour in our operations, including roadshows, seminars and workshops.

Risk Management 

Our risk management process covers all business units in the organisation, which is an intrinsic aspect of our day-today operations and part of the culture at Towngas. The Board has the overall responsibility to oversee risk management and evaluate and determine the nature and extent of the risks it is willing to take in a manner consistent with its strategic business drivers. The risk factors include business environment, reliability of gas supply, production and network safety, information security, ethics and integrity, health and safety, etc.