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To combat SMS fraud, all text messages from Towngas will now be sent with the Sender IDs “#Towngas”, “#TowngasFun” or “#TGCTowngas”, helping customers verify the authenticity of our communications.
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Towngas urges customers to stay vigilant when receiving suspicious emails, text messages, or bills. Never open suspicious attachments or click on links, and avoid disclosing personal information such as ID card numbers, bank account details, or credit card numbers to unknown senders to prevent potential losses. For any enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at 2880 6988 or email us at towngas.cs@towngas.com.
2024-11-14 17:00:00

Media Resources


01 Feb 2017

Join Now! eBilling and Bank Autopay Rewards

Starting from 1 February to 31 July 2017, Towngas customers who newly register eBilling Service and successfully apply for bank autopay for gas bill payment will be rewarded for a one-off HK$50 gas charge rebate. In addition, customers who use Towngas eBilling service and made gas bill payments by bank autopay will automatically enter “eBilling & Bank Autopay Lucky Draw ” with the chance to win HK$1,000 gas charge rebate.

Reward 1 One-off $50 Gas Charge Rebate
Starting from 1 February to 31 July 2017, Towngas customers who newly register for eBilling service (Note 1) and successfully set up bank autopay for gas bill payment (Note 2) will be rewarded for a one-off HK$50 gas charge rebate.

Reward 2 Monthly eBilling & Bank Autopay Lucky Draw : HK$1,000 Gas Charge Rebate
During the promotion period, customers who use Towngas eBilling service and have made at least one successful bank autopay transaction in the past six months will be eligible for a monthly lucky draw, A gas charge rebate of HK$1,000 will be rewarded to offset billed charges for the gas account. Five lucky winners will be drawn each month during the promotion period.
Note :
1. If you would like to register for our eBilling service, please sign up a Towngas eAccount at www.towngas.com/eService. You will receive a letter confirming your successful registration within five working days.
2. If you would like to apply for bank autopay, please contact our Customer Service Hotline 2880 6988 (except for non-residential customers) or login Towngas eAccount at www.towngas.com/eService to apply online or download an "Autopay Direct Debit Authorisation Form" and send the completed form to the corresponding bank directly. In general, approval of bank autopay will take approximately four to six weeks, please contact your corresponding bank for the approval progress and details.

Terms and Conditions
1. Only Towngas customers are eligible for participation in this campaign.
2. The one-off gas charge rebate of HK$50 is exclusive to Towngas customers who have not registered for eBilling and bank autopay for gas bill payment on 31 January 2017.
3. During the campaign period ( from 1 February 2017 to 31 July 2017 ), customers who successfully set up a eBilling and an approved bank autopay, the one-off HK$50 gas charge rebate will be automatically credited to each eligible customer’s gas accounts in the next gas bill. For customers whose eBilling or bank autopay is cancelled within 24 months of registration, Towngas will debit the one-off $50 awarded gas charge rebate.
4. Monthly “eBilling & Bank Autopay Lucky Draw” will take place on 30 March, 28 April, 29 May, 30 June, 28 July and 30 August in 2017.
5. Five winners of the monthly “eBilling & Bank Autopay Lucky Draw” will be drawn by computer system randomly each month. The HK$1,000 gas charge rebate will be automatically credited to each eligible customer’s gas accounts in the next gas bill after the lucky draw. The “Gas Charge Rebate” is subject to the following restrictions :
i) The winner(s) cannot draw cash with the Rebate;
ii) The Rebate cannot be used to settle any monetary obligations except for the purchase of goods and services;
iii) The Rebate cannot be used to settle any outstanding liability in gas accounts accrued prior to the winning of the prize; and
iv) The Lucky Draw Gas Charge Rebate is non-transferable and only be used for offsetting gas bill of the same Towngas account holder.
6. The winners will not be entitled to enter into the monthly “eBilling & Bank Autopay Lucky Draw” in the coming months during the campaign period if they are eligible.
7. The results of monthly “eBilling & Bank Autopay Lucky Draw” will be announced on 7 April, 8 May, 7 June, 7 July, 4 August and 8 September in 2017. Details will be published in The Standard and Sing Tao Daily newspapers as well as on our Towngas website (www.towngas.com). Written notification will also be sent to the winners.
8. During the entire campaign period, the Gas Charge Rebate will only be awarded to a Towngas account whose eBilling and bank autopay are valid and with good credit when the gas charge rebate is given. 
9. The Company reserves the right to publish the winners’ names and photographs for publicity purposes of the Lucky Draws.
10. Employees of the Company are not eligible to enter the entire campaign.
11. Our company records shall determine whether the eBilling and bank autopay were successfully set up. 
12. In case of disputes, the decision of the Company shall be final and conclusive.

Trade Promotion Competition Licence No. : 48355-6

Media Enquiries

For media enquiries, please contact our Corporate Affairs Department.

Corporate Affairs Department

The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
21/F, 363 Java Road North Point, Hong Kong

WhatsApp: (852) 6702 6449
Email: cad@towngas.com