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2023-11-28 13:00:00

Media Resources


07 Nov 2011

"Cook For Love" – Nurturing harmonious family relations

In September, Towngas joined hands with the Social Services Department to launch “Cook For Love” programme to promote harmonious relations in single-parent families. 

For the very first time, Towngas volunteers recruited their own family members to form “Family Volunteer Team”. Together with low income, single-parent families, they participate in different thematic activities to help to build effective communication skills within the families. 

The kick-off ceremony was organized at Flame at Tsim Sha Tsui in September. Towngas Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer James Kwan and Social Welfare Department Sham Shui Po District Social Welfare Office Chairman Fong Kai-leung officiated at the launch ceremony. The second activity, “Mutual Appreciation”, took place in mid-October. Guided by a professional trainer, participants learned how to make cupcakes while also enjoying interactive group games.
These carefully thought-out exercises have been specially designed to cement strong ties among the families, to create happier and more harmonious homes.

Towngas volunteers and low income families will be making a “heart-opening” journey through this unique parenting scheme.



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The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
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Email: cad@towngas.com